The detail is great, u seem to be pretty confident with character design. I only really have one critique but it's a big one for this picture: try to find a way to up the contrast and establish borders between the characters and all their different parts. The drawing looks good, but it is a little hard to sort out just because the general darkness/lightness is pretty much the same across the page. The characters and their parts blend into one another a bit too much and looking at the style I didn't assume this was a technical intention, though I guess who am I to judge?
If you do want to do that, you might try experimenting with varying line widths, such as making the lines slightly thicker around the characters themselves so you can tell clearly where each one ends and begins. Also try making your shadows a little darker or trying the 3 shade anime style shadowing instead of the only 2-shade that you seem to have here. There's nothing wrogn with 2-shade, but it can have an effect of giving everything the same depth and darkness value sometimes which may be problematic.
And of course, if none of this is any interest to you then forget it all and do what you like. Just offering some constructive feedback for a very good drawing. :) Apart from all that, again your attention to detail is excellent and your fur, hair and wrinkles are quite good. I myself despise anything having to do with cloth physics, so good on ya. Lol. Keep up the great work!